Jumat, 22 Januari 2010

Wakatobi, the only real underwater paradise

WAKATOBI. Kawasan kepulauan dekat Pulau Buton ini disebut-sebut sebagai “jantung karang dunia”. Di perairan itu memang muncul sebuah keajaiban alam. Sebuah gugusan pulau karang membentang sekitar 48 kilometer, dengan luas 90 ribu hektare, yang menjadikannya karang terpanjang di dunia.
Di situlah para penyelam internasional bersaksi, di dasar lautnya terdapat panorama terumbu karang yang paling cantik, penuh keanekaragaman ikan yang tak ada duanya di dunia, bahkan dibanding Karibia. Dengan snorkeling sebentar, kita dapat menemui barracuda, ikan badut, dan kuda laut.

Nama Wakatobi diambil dari singkatan empat pulau utama: Wangi-Wangi, Kaledupa, Tomia, dan Binongko.Sejak 1996, pemerintah meresmikan perairan Wakatobi menjadi Taman Nasional Wakatobi.Di Wakatobi juga terdapat 750 spesies karang dari 850 spesies yang ada di muka bumi. Bandingkan dengan dua pusat terumbu karang lain di dunia. Laut Merah yang hanya mempunyai 300 spesies, sedangkan Laut Karibia hanya 50 spesies.

Pulau-pulaunya juga menyimpan keunikan. Di situ misalnya ada perkampungan para “petualang laut” terkenal suku Bajo. Di beberapa tempat juga terdapat peninggalan sejarah–kejayaan kekuasaan Kesultanan Buton.
Benteng di Bau Bau di Pulau Buton peninggalan penjajahan belanda

Wakatobi is one of the Regencies in South-East Sulawesi having its own vision to realize the only real underwater paradise at the world's coral reef triangle center. This visionary vision has a strong reason that beside as the richest site in coral reef collection and as the most beautiful site, (Operation Wallacea 2006) Wakatobi is also situated geographically at the world's coral reef triangle center with its 942 fish species and 750 coral reef species from total 850 of world's collection comparing to the two world's famous diving center like Caribbean Sea that owes only 50 species and other 300 coral reef species in the Red Sea, Egypt.Beside the underwater beauty, Wakatobi has also other beauty and richness such as white sandy beach, clear sea water, sunset in every islands edge, historical ruins like ancient fortresses and cannon that spread out in the four main islands, old village with its pillar house, traditional waving, blacksmiths, Bajo tribe and various particular dances. This nature and culture heritages put Wakatobi as the world's famous marine tourism objects

Wakatobi is well-known as the Tukang Besi Island in the map and it is the abbreviation of four main islands name which are: WA (Wangi-wangi), KA (Kaledupa), TO (Tomia) and BI (Binongko), covers an area of 1.400.000 hectares and the coral reef places 90.000 hectares from the total area. The island is also famous as the second largest Barrier after the Great Barrier Reef in Australia consists of 39 islands and 7 of them are inhabited with the total population of 100.563, while the rest remain uninhabited.

Beside as the regency, Wakatobi is also known as the National Park, often called as Wakatobi National Park (TNKW) and it gives the unique characteristic of the regency in Indonesia even in the world having the same width with the National Park area. The unique of the island makes Wakatobi more strong and realistic in the effort of maintaining its underwater beauty and preservation as well as other heritages to place Wakatobi as the underwater marine tourism object and the prominent cultural tourism object that is incomparable with other marine tourism places to be visited by anyone.
Wakatobi Dive Resort di Pulau Tomia
Wakatobi Dive Resort
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Bintang laut biru
map wakatobi INDONESIA

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